Leveraging Your Leadership Strengths ConnectEd Series

Smiling professional woman


Leaders looking to better understand and utilize their top strengths to elevate their leadership impact.

Program Schedule


$1,395 for NACWA members
$1,595 for non-NACWA members


Enrollment is open until April 3, 2025. Click here to enroll.

Program Overview

Have you ever tried “fixing” one of your weaknesses? Did it feel like a daunting task accompanied with a heavy time and energy investment, yet yielded minimal ROI? In this session, leaders will learn to shift their focus from improving weaknesses to leveraging strengths. By identifying and building upon your top 10 leadership strengths, you can set yourself and those you lead up for success. Together, we’ll explore your top strengths, the potential blind spots associated with each and strategies for maximizing your use of strengths to be a stronger leader. Note: Participants in this ConnectEd Series will be required to complete the CliftonStrengths for Leaders assessment. The assessment link will be distributed to all participants prior to the launch of the series.

Session Descriptions

Session 1: Discovering Your Leadership Strengths

Instead of trying to improve something you struggle with, it is better to focus your energy on enhancing the use of your strengths. To best utilize your leadership strengths, you must first know what they are. In this session, we’ll review your top ten leadership strengths identified through the CliftonStrengths for Leaders assessment and how they are currently being used in the workplace.

Participant Take-aways:

Session 2: Being Mindful of Your Blind Spots

Leaders must use their strengths in just the right ways at just the right times in order for them to be truly effective. In fact, a strength can work against a leader if not aware of potential blind spots. In this session, we’ll assess the use of top strengths and build awareness around potential blind spots. We’ll end with specific actions to keep blind spots in check.

Participant Take-aways:

Session 3: Maximizing Your Strengths

The greatest leaders know what their strengths are, own them and use them. But this also means leaders accept the fact that they can’t be great at everything. In this session, we’ll explore how to elevate your leadership strengths from good to great by pairing them. Strengths are maximized when they are partnered with another… either one of your own or the strength of colleague. Together we’ll explore ways to elevate the use of your strengths by strategically pairing them.

Participant Take-aways:

learn more about other core leadership offerings.